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Before Typing, Change Keyboard from English to Punjabi


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Raavi Font Typing Tutor

Learning Punjabi typing in Raavi font is easier than Asees font because all 'matras' of Punjabi language have been clubbed together on one side of the keyboard in Raavi font. If you want to learn Punjabi typing in Raavi font, this website is perfect for you. If you are habitual in typing in Asees/ Joy font, then Don't Worry. Here on akhartk.com, we are providing Free Online Raavi Typing Tutor. If you practice daily the exercises listed below, you will soon be fluent in Raavi font. akhartk.com also provides Raavi typing test to users for 5 min and 10 min. Speciality of Raavi typing on akhartk.com is that we use default Raavi keyboard of windows. There are no fonts installed in our software. So their is no possibility of errors. Users can also type 'alt key characters' on akhartk.com unlike other websites. Other websites don't have facility to type 'alt key characters'. While typing, keep one thing in mind. Don't look at the keyboard. Just look at the paragraph provided on the screen and type. Start with Following order and keep track your daily progress, practice daily one lesson and you will become like a professional Punjabi typist in few days. Also this website is perfect for preparation of typing tests conducted for Government recruitments.

Practice these Home row lessons

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3
Practice these Bottom row lessons

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2
Practice these Upper row lessons

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2
Practice these Shift + Home row lessons

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2
Practice these Shift + Bottom row lessons

Lesson 1
Practice these Shift + Upper Row lessons

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2
Practice these Right Alt Key lessons

Lesson 1
Practice these Shift + Numeric Row lessons

Lesson 1
Practice these Left Alt Key lessons

Lesson 1

Users can also take Raavi typing test on akhartk.com. Users can select a paragraph of their choice from drop-down menu and take Raavi typing test. Typing test is provided in two time durations - 5 minute test and 10 minute test. Speciality of Raavi typing test of akhartk.com is that errors are marked by red and correct words are marked by green in the paragraph during the test. It makes it easy for users to easily correct their mistakes. After completion of Raavi font typing test, net typing speed, accuracy and list of mistakes that user has committed are shown. Net typing speed is calculated by counting the correct words typed by the user in Raavi font (Total words - mistakes). After completion of test user can select new paragraph for new typing test.