/*-------Google Analytics Script Starts------------ */ /*-------Google Analytics Script Ends------------*/ /*-----onselectstart="return false" onpaste="return false;" onCopy="return false" onCut="return false"----*/

Before Typing, Change Keyboard from English to Punjabi


Download AkhartTK Offline Typing Software

Set-up Raavi Font in Windows!

Raavi font is a Unicode font for Punjabi language. Unicode fonts are pre-installed in windows and there is no need to download Raavi font from internet. But before using Unicode Raavi font, it has to be activated in Control panel of windows. Even for taking type test on this website, user need to activate Raavi font. Watch video below to understand how to activate Raavi font in Windows or follow steps given below with illustrations.

Or follow the following steps to setup Punjabi Unicode font in control panel -